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Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Music, Videos, and information about Santa Cruz County artist / Portland, Oregon native Boy Eats Drum Machine




Ready or not, 2025 is here. I hope you are well. Sending thoughts and love to LA. There is no place like it, and it’s sad to watch people lose their homes. Speedy recovery to you, LA<3!

Here, I have been working on my first novel and am now nearly done with its first draft. It’s a very exciting milestone, but there is much to do, getting it to second draft, and the arduous process thereafter. Most of my attention is set on it, but…

I’ve been practicing and jamming some dark breaks on my turntable + synth setup. The Nick Cave House Break embedded below is an example. It matches the kind of feel I imagine for the soundtrack to my novel, which I will someday have finished and made into an audiobook.

Thank you for stopping in. Let’s all keep on keepin’ on, and let’s all of us artists give em’ hell in 2025.
<3 Jon